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October 26, 2022 Abhijit Muhurat Time time for New Delhi, NCT, India


October 26, 2022

Change Date
 Abhijit Muhurat Today
Shubh Deepak
12:13 PM to 12:58 PM
New Delhi, India
February 2025

Abhijit Muhurat

11:42 AM to 12:27 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
00 Hours 45 Mins

Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

About Abhijit Muhurat

Abhijit Muhurat is auspicious time during midday which approximately lasts for 48 minutes. Abhijit Muhurat is capable of destroying innumerable Doshas and it is considered one of the best Muhurats to start all sort of auspicious works. Abhijit Muhurat is a powerful election and can be chosen for day-to-day life activities without going into intricacies of finding a suitable Muhurat for the day.

Abhijit Muhurat is the 8th Muhurat out of 15 Muhurats which prevail between the sunrise and the sunset. The time interval between the sunrise and the sunset is divided into 15 equal parts and the middle portion of fifteen parts is known as Abhijit Muhurat.

If the sunrise occurs at 6 a.m. and the sunset occurs at 6 p.m. for a particular location then Abhijit Muhurat would start exactly 24 minutes before midday and would end after 24 minutes of midday. In other words Abhijit Muhurat for such a location would be between 11:40 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. of the day. Due to seasonal change of sunrise and sunset timings, the exact time and duration of Abhijit Muhurat is not fixed.

It is believed that Lord Shiva killed demon Tripurasur during Abhijit Muhurat. Further, Abhijit Muhurat has blessing of Lord Vishnu who destroys innumerable Doshas with His Sudarshan Chakra during the currency of this Muhurat.

Abhijit Muhurat is also known as Abhijin Muhurat, Chaturtha Lagna, Kutub Muhurat, and Swami Tithiyansha Muhurat. Muhurat is also spelled as Muhurta and muhurtham. The counter part of Abhijit Muhurat is Nishita Kaal which prevails during midnight.

It should be noted that Abhijit Muhurat is not suitable on Wednesday as it forms a malefic Muhurta on this weekday. Abhijit Muhurat is also not suitable for Manglik activities like marriage and Upanayana ceremonies.

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