Notes: All timings are represented in 24-hour notation in local time of Stafford, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
In Vedic Astrology Lagna, which is also known as Uday Lagna or Rising Sign, is given the utmost importance. In Western Astrology it is known as Ascendant. Lagna is the Zodiac Sign rising at the Eastern horizon. In a Hindu day, from Sunrise to Sunrise, all twelve zodiacs or Rashis rise on the Eastern horizon in a cycle.
The duration of Lagna i.e. the time one zodiac takes to cross the horizon is not same for any two locations and varies from place to place. Even for a single location duration of all Lagnas is not same.
Lagna plays a crucial role in Horoscope of a person. Apart from Horoscope, Lagna is considered while fixing any Muhurat. All Muhurat timings like Vivah Muhurat and Griha Pravesh Muhurat need Lagna Shuddhi in which a fortified Lagna is chosen.