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2025 Marriage | Vivaha date and timings for Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States


2025 Marriage Dates

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Hindu Marriage

There is no fixed formula to calculate an auspicious Muhurat for marriage rituals. Even Hindu sages had different viewpoints on some of the elements considered while selecting auspicious marriage dates. Hence one has to be careful and should analyze different opinions while calculating auspicious dates for marriage.

Further one needs to be practical while finding auspicious dates and should consider most significant elements and ignore less significant elements. If you want to understand how auspicious marriage dates are calculated on this page please read Vivah Dates Calculations.

Marriage Dates for the whole year are available for limited locations. If you want to check all supported locations for which Marriage Yearly Dates Calendar are available,
please visit supported location for Marriage Yearly Calendar.

Alternatively, for Cambridge you can check Muhurta for each day instead of whole year
check Marriage Muhurat for Cambridge for each day.

Hindu Marriage Dates

Hindu Marriage Dates are calculated after doing Panchang Shuddhi or Panchangam Shuddhi. Panchang Shuddhi gives not only auspicious marriage dates but also Shubh time to perform marriage rituals.

DrikPanchang.com lists all available Vivah Muhurat in the year 2025 by doing Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana Shuddhi for all days in the year after considering auspicious Solar and Lunar months.

According to Muhurta Chintamani and other religious texts like Dharmasindhu, marriage rituals should not be performed while Shukra Tara and Guru Tara are Asta / set. Visit Shukra Asta and Guru Asta to know the exacting timings of Asta and Uday. Hence Panchang Shuddhi for auspicious marriage dates is done after removing days when Shukra and Guru Tara are set or combusted. All days during Leaped Lunar month are also removed during Panchangam Shuddhi.

Muhurats are calculated from Sunrise to Sunrise. If you have selected 24+ time format, then Muhurat timings, which go beyond mid-night, are shown in 24+ time format.

All auspicious marriage dates and marriage timings are location-based and it is important to set the city first before noting down Shubh Marriage Dates and Vivah Muhurat. Panchang Shuddhi is the first step to decide auspicious marriage day and a learned scholar in astrology should be consulted before choosing a marriage date out of published marriage dates.

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