Sunrise07:16 AM
Sunset05:40 PM
Moonrise06:24 AM, Oct 31
Moonset04:44 PM
Shaka Samvat1946 Krodhi
Lunar MonthAshwina
PakshaKrishna Paksha
TithiSathuradasi upto 06:22 AM, Oct 31
NakshathramHastham upto 12:13 PM
YogaVishkambha upto 12:21 AM, Oct 31
KaranaVishti upto 05:05 PM
KaranaShakuni upto 06:22 AM, Oct 31
MoonsignKanya upto 01:46 AM, Oct 31
Rahu Kalam12:28 PM to 01:46 PM
Gulikai Kalam11:10 AM to 12:28 PM
Yamaganda08:34 AM to 09:52 AM
Dur Muhurtam12:07 PM to 12:49 PM
Varjyam09:14 PM to 11:02 PM
Anandadi YogaAnanda upto 12:13 PM
Tamil YogaSiddha upto 12:13 PM
Anandadi YogaKaaladanda
Tamil YogaMarana
Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Cambridge, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
Tamil Panchangam is used by the Tamil population in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and all over the world. Tamil Panchangam has great significance in Tamil Culture and is deeply rooted in the faith of the Tamil Hindus. Tamil Panchangam shows important astronomical elements like Tithi, Nakshatram, Yoga, Karna, Rahu Kalam, Gulikai Kalam etc.
One should avoid Rahu Kalam, Yamagandam, Gulikai, Durmuhurtham and Varjyam as these time periods are not auspicious. The rest of the time left after eliminating them is considered Shubh.
The Abhijit Muhuratam and Amrit Kalam are considered auspicious. If inauspicious time overlaps with auspicious time then the inauspicious time period should be removed from the auspicious time window.