Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Bengaluru, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
This page lists actual Purnima or Pournami days on Hindu Lunar Calendar. This list might not be suitable for Shri Satyanarayana Puja which might be observed either on same day or one day before depending on starting time of Purnima Tithi on previous day.
Pournami Vratam and Shri Satyanarayana Puja, which are observed on full moon day, might be observed one day before of Purnima Tithi. Please check Shri Satyanarayana Puja to know Shri Satyanarayana fasting days.
Purnima fasting might be observed either on Purnima day or on one day before Purnima day i.e. on Chaturdashi day depending on starting time of Purnima Tithi on previous day.
Purnima fasting on Chaturdashi occurs only when Purnima starts during Madhyahna period on previous day. It is believed that if Chaturdashi prevails beyond Madhyahna then it pollutes Purnima Tithi and this Chaturdashi day should not be considered for Purnima fasting even if Purnima prevails during evening. There are no two opinions on this rule and lists Purnima fasting days according to this rule.
In North India full moon day is known as Purnima or Poornima. However in South India full moon day is known as Pournami or Pournima and fasting on this day is known as Pournami Vratam. Pournami Vratam is observed from sunrise to till sighting of the moon.
Pournami Fasting days might not be same for two locations. Hence one should set the location before noting down Pournami Vratam dates.