Notes: All timings are represented in 24-hour notation in local time of Fairfield, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
Magha Shraddha is done during Pitru Paksha when Magha Nakshatra prevails during Aparahna Kala. If Magha Nakshatra prevails partially during Aparahna Kala on two days then the day when it prevails for longer duration it considered.
If both Magha Nakshatra and Trayodashi Tithi prevail during Aparahna on the same day then it is known as Magha Trayodashi Shraddha.
Nakshatra Magha is significant during Pitru Paksha because it is ruled by Pitrs(पितृ), the spirits of the departed ancestors.
Pitru Paksha Shraddhas are Parvan Shraddhas (पार्वण श्राद्ध) and auspicious time to perform them is either Kutup Muhurat and Rohina etc. Muhurat after that till Aparahna Kala gets over. Tarpan (तर्पण) is done at the end of the Shraddha.