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2178 Govardhan Puja date and time for Fairfield, Connecticut, United States


2178 Govardhan Puja

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Fairfield, United States
Govardhan Puja
November 2178
Monday / सोमवार
Shri Krishna holding Govardhan Parvat on his hand
Shri Krishna lifting Govardhan Parvat

Govardhan Puja Muhurat

Govardhan Puja on Monday, November 9, 2178
Govardhan Puja Sayankala Muhurat - 14:38 to 16:39
Duration - 02 Hours 01 Min
Dyuta Krida on Tuesday, November 10, 2178
Pratipada Tithi Begins - 12:42 on Nov 09, 2178
Pratipada Tithi Ends - 10:52 on Nov 10, 2178

Notes: All timings are represented in 24+ hour notation in local time of Fairfield, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours past midnight are higher than 24:00 and fall on next day. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

2178 Govardhan Puja | Annakut Puja

Most of the time Govardhan Puja day falls next day after Diwali Puja and it is celebrated as the day when Lord Krishna defeated God Indra. Sometimes there might be one day gap between Diwali and Govardhan Puja.

In religious texts, Govardhan Puja celebrations are suggested during Pratipada Tithi of Kartik month. Depending on starting time of Pratipada, Govardhan Puja day might fall one day before on Amavasya day on Hindu calendar.

Gowardhan Puja is also known as Annakut Puja. On this day food made of cereals like wheat, rice, curry made of gram flour and leafy vegetables is cooked and offered to Lord Krishna.

In Maharashtra the same day is celebrated as Bali Pratipada or Bali Padva. The day commemorates victory of Vamana, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, over King Bali and subsequent pushing of Bali to Patal Lok (the underworld). It is believed that due to boon given by Lord Vamana, Asura King Bali visits the Prithvi Lok from the Patala Lok on this day.

Most of the time Govardhan Puja day coincides with Gujarati New Year day, which is celebrated on Shukla Paksha Pratipada of Kartik month. Depending on starting time of Pratipada Tithi, Govardhan Puja celebrations could be done one day before Gujarati New Year day.

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