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2330 Onam | Thiruvonam date for Fairfield, Connecticut, United States


2330 Thiruvonam

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Fairfield, United States
August 2330
Wednesday / ബുധനാഴ്ച
Ladies dancing during Onam festivities

Thiruvonam Timings

Thiruvonam on Wednesday, August 27, 2330
Thiruvonam Nakshathram Begins - 27:50+ on Aug 26, 2330
Thiruvonam Nakshathram Ends - 28:20+ on Aug 27, 2330

Notes: All timings are represented in 24+ hour notation in local time of Fairfield, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours past midnight are higher than 24:00 and fall on next day. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

2330 Thiruvonam | Onam

Onam is a Hindu festival celebrated by the people of Kerala. Onam is Malayali festival which is celebrated by native speakers of Malayalam. Onam day is decided based on Solar Calendar. Onam is celebrated in Chingam month on Malayalam Solar Calendar. Chingam month is known as Simha month in other solar calendars and Avani month in Tamil Calendar. The day when Nakshatra Thiruvonam prevails in month of Chingam is considered for Onam celebrations. Thiruvonam Nakshatra is known as Shravana in other Hindu Calendars.

The festival commemorates the appearance of Vamana avatar of Vishnu and the subsequent home coming of the legendary Emperor Mahabali. Onam celebrates the Asura King Mahabali's annual visit from Patala (the underworld). On Thiruvonam day, Asura King Mahabali is believed to visit every Malayali home and meet his people.

The celebrations of Onam start on Atham day (the day when Atham Nakshatra prevails) and continue for 10 days till Thiruvonam day. Atham Nakshatra is known as Hasta Nakshatra in other Hindu Calendars.

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