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2016 Nag Panchami date for New Delhi, NCT, India


2016 Nag Panchami

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New Delhi, India
Nag Panchami
August 2016
Sunday / रविवार
lady performing Nag Panchami Puja
Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami Puja

Nag Panchami on Sunday, August 7, 2016
Nag Panchami Puja Muhurat - 05:46 AM to 08:26 AM
Duration - 02 Hours 40 Mins
Nag Pancham date in Gujarat - Monday, August 22, 2016
Panchami Tithi Begins - 04:05 AM on Aug 07, 2016
Panchami Tithi Ends - 05:59 AM on Aug 08, 2016

Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

2016 Nag Panchami

Shukla Paksha Panchami during Sawan month is observed as Nag Panchami. Usually Nag Panchami day falls two days after Hariyali Teej. Currently Nag Panchami falls in month of July and August in English calendar. Women worship Nag Devta and offer milk to snakes on this day. Women also pray for the wellness of their brothers and family.

Nag Panchami is a traditional worship of serpent Gods observed by Hindus throughout India. In Hindu calendar, some days are considered significant to worship serpent Gods and Panchami Tithi especially during Shravan month is considered highly auspicious to worship serpent Gods. Nag Panchami is one of those significant days and it observed on Shukla Paksha Panchami during Shravana month.

It is believed that any Puja offered to snakes would reach to the serpent Gods. Hence people worship live snakes on the day as representative of serpents Gods who are revered and worshipped in Hinduism. Although there are several serpent Gods, following twelve are worshipped during Nag Panchami Puja -

  1. Ananta
  2. Vasuki
  3. Shesha
  4. Padma
  5. Kambala
  6. Karkotaka
  7. Ashvatara
  8. Dhritarashtra
  9. Shankhapala
  10. Kaliya
  11. Takshaka
  12. Pingala

Nag Panchami Puja Mantra

सर्वे नागाः प्रीयन्तां मे ये केचित् पृथ्वीतले।
ये च हेलिमरीचिस्था येऽन्तरे दिवि संस्थिताः॥
ये नदीषु महानागा ये सरस्वतिगामिनः।
ये च वापीतडगेषु तेषु सर्वेषु वै नमः॥

Mantra Translation - May the snakes who are staying in this world, sky, heaven, sun-rays, lakes, wells, ponds etc. bless us and we all salute them.

अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कम्बलम्।
शङ्ख पालं धृतराष्ट्रं तक्षकं कालियं तथा॥
एतानि नव नामानि नागानां च महात्मनाम्।
सायङ्काले पठेन्नित्यं प्रातःकाले विशेषतः।
तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत्॥

Mantra Translation - The names of nine Nag Devtas are Ananta, Vasuki, Shesha, Padmanabha, Kambala, Shankhapala, Dhritarashtra, Takshaka and Kaliya. If chanted regularly every day in the morning, will keep you protected from all evils and make you victorious in life.

Nag Chaturthi

Some people keep fast one day before Nag Panchami and fasting day before Nag Panchami is known as Nag Chaturthi or Nagul Chavithi. In Andhra Pradesh Nag Chaturthi or Nagul Chavithi is observed just after Diwali and coincides with six days long festivity of Soora Samharam in Tamil Nadu.

Nag Pancham

In Gujarat Nag Panchami is observed 15 days later than that of most other states. According to new moon to new moon lunar calendar followed in Gujarat, Nag Panchami falls during Krishna Paksha Panchami of Shravana month. Nag Panchami is more popularly known as Nag Pancham in Gujarat and usually observed three days before Krishna Janmashtami festivities.

Bola Choth or Bol Choth in Gujarat

In Gujarat Bola Choth is celebrated one day before Nag Pancham day. Bola Choth is also known as Bahula Chauth and falls one day before Nag Pancham day. Cattles especially cows are worshipped on Bol Choth day.

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