Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Ashburn, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
Auspicious Griha Pravesh Dates are calculated after doing Panchang Shuddhi or Panchangam Shuddhi. Panchang Shuddhi gives not only auspicious Griha Pravesh dates but also Shubh time to perform Griha Pravesh Puja and Homam and Vastu Shanti Puja. lists all available House Warming Ceremony dates in the year 2024 by doing Nakshatra, Weekday, Tithi and Lunar Month Shuddhi for all days in the year.
According to Muhurta Chintamani and other religious texts like Dharmasindhu, Entry into New Home should not be done while Shukra Tara and Guru Tara are Asta / set. Visit Shukra Asta and Guru Asta to know the exacting timings of Asta and Udaya. Hence Panchang Shuddhi for auspicious Graha Pravesh dates is done after removing days when Shukra and Guru Tara are set or combusted. All days during Leaped Lunar month are also removed during Panchangam Shuddhi.
We list only those Muhurats which prevail at least for 5 mins and Muhurats which prevail for less than 5 mins are discarded. Muhurats are calculated from Sunrise to Sunrise. If you have selected 24+ time format, then Muhurat timings, which go beyond mid-night, are shown in 24+ time format.
All auspicious Griha Pravesh dates and timings are location-based and it is important to set the city first before noting down Shubh Griha Pravesh Dates and Muhurat timings. Panchang Shuddhi is the first step to decide auspicious Griha Pravesh day and a learned scholar in astrology should be consulted before choosing a Griha Pravesh date out of published dates.