The word Chalisa (चालीसा), is a Hindi word, which means a devotional hymn of 40 verses. Chalisa is dervied from another Hindi word Chalis (चालीस), which means 40.
A detailed Aarti collection of various Hindu deities has been provided on this page. Aarti has a special importance in Hindu religion. At the end of any kind of worship and religious ritual, Aarti of the related deity is performed.
Aarti of various Gods and Goddesses with Marathi lyrics and videos, which are popular in Maharashtra are given in Marathi Aarti Collection page. These Aartis are available in Marathi language which is sung during daily worship and on special occasions.
To please the Gods and Goddesses and seek their blessings, they are praised in the form of Stotras. On this page, you can read Stotras of various Gods and Goddesses which have been collected from holy scriptures and Puranas.
In Hindu religion, a praise consisting of eight verses or Shlokas is called Ashtakam. Ashtakams are the praise and prayers dedicated to deities. Ashtakam are very effective, and one can seek desired results by reciting them regularly.
Mantra collection of various Hindu Gods and Goddesses has been provided for the users of Drik Panchang. Through these Mantras, various Gods and Goddesses can be meditated upon, invoked and worshipped.
Sundarkand is a part of the popular Hindu epic Shri Ramcharitmanas written by Goswami Tulsidas. Sundarkand describes the events that took place between Hanumanji's journey to Lanka, burning it and finding Mata Sita.
Nama Ramayana is a Sanskrit poem with 108 verses based on the life journey of the Maryada Purushottama Lord Shri Rama. The Nama Ramayana is an abbreviation of the Sanskrit epic Ramayana itself, composed by Rishi Valmiki. Nama Ramayana is popular mainly in South India.
Here is the list Durga Saptashati all chapters. Shri Durga Saptashati is a famous scripture dedicated to Goddess Durga divided into 700 verses and 13 chapters, which originates from the Markandeya Purana written by sage Markandeya. By reciting Durga Saptashati, the seeker attains various Siddhis and finally attains salvation.
The collection of various auspicious and holy names of Gods and Goddesses is called Namavali. A collection of 32 names, 108 names and 1000 names of Hindu deities is given on this page. For the convenience of the readers, along with deities' names, their meanings and recitation videos are also available.