Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
Rishi Agastya (ऋषि अगस्त्य) is a Vedic sage. He is mentioned in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
It is said in Bhavishya Purana that - O Pandava, by offering Arghya in this order for seven years, a Brahmin becomes Chaturvedi and a Kshatriya becomes the lord of the earth. A Vaishya becomes the lord of grains and a Shudra becomes wealthy. As long as one lives, the one who offers Arghya goes to the Supreme Brahma. Complete Arghya Vidhi can be checked at Agastya Arghya Vidhi.
Offer prayer to Agastya Muni while reciting this Mantra -
काशपुष्पप्रतीकाश वह्निमारुतसम्भव।
मित्रावरुणयोः पुत्र कुम्भयोने नमोऽस्तु ते॥
विन्ध्यवृद्धिश्रयकर मेघतोयविषापह।
रत्नवल्लभ देवेश लङ्कावास नमोऽस्तु ते॥
वातापी भक्षितो येन समुद्रः शोषितः पुरा।
लोपामुद्रापतिः श्रीमान् योऽसौ तस्मै नमो नमः॥
येनोदितेन पापानि विलयं यान्ति व्याधयः।
तस्मै नमोऽस्त्वगस्त्याय सशिष्याय च पुत्रिणे॥
Mantra Meaning - O Kashapushpapratikasha, Vahnimarutasambhava, salutations to Agastya, son of Mitravaruna. O Vindhyavriddhishrayakara (one who destroys the old age of Vindhyachal mountain), Ratnavallabha (one who loves gems), Meghatoyavipapaha (one who removes poison from the water of clouds), O Devesha, O Lankavasa (one who resides in Lanka), salutations to you. Salutations to the one who devoured Vatapi (the demon), who exploited the ocean in the past and who is the husband of Lopamudra. Salutations to that Agastya with whose rise removes all sins and diseases. Salutations to that Agastya along with his disciple and son.
Offer Arghya to Agastya Muni while reciting this Mantra -
अगस्त्यः खनमानः खनित्रैः प्रजामपत्यं बलमिच्छमानः।
उभौ वर्णावृषिरुग्रः पुपोष सत्या देवेष्वाशिषो जगाम॥
Immerse Agastya Muni while reciting this Mantra -
राजपुत्रि महाभागे ऋषिपत्नि वरानने॥
लोपामुद्रे नमस्तुभ्यमर्घ्य मे प्रतिगृह्यताम्।
Mantra Meaning - O daughter of the king, O great fortunate one, O wife of a sage, O beautiful one, O Lopamudra, I salute you. Please accept my Arghya.
अगस्त्यः सप्तजन्माघं नाशयित्वावयोरयम्।
अतुलं विमलं सौख्यं प्रयच्छ त्वं महामुने॥
Mantra Meaning - The Mantra of Dana (donation) is that O Agastya Ji, O great sage, destroy the sins of seven births and give both of us immense pure happiness.