Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
This eclipse is a partial Solar Eclipse which would be visible on October 25th, 2022. It would be the second Solar Eclipse of 2022.
This eclipse would be visible mainly from the parts of Europe, north-east Africa and west Asia.
None of the eclipse would be visible from southern-eastern parts of Africa, east Asia, Australia, North America and South America continents.
Some of the well-known cities from where partial Solar Eclipse would be visible are New Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Ujjain, Varanasi, Mathura, Helsinki, Moscow, Kabul, Islamabad, Tehran and Baghdad.
For more information on eclipse visibility please check Plot of Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25th, 2022