Sunrise07:01 AM
Sunset06:10 PM
Moonrise06:57 PM
Moonset07:31 AM
Shaka Samvat1946 Krodhi
Vikram Samvat2081 Pingala
Gujarati Samvat2081 Nala
Amanta MonthMagha
Purnimanta MonthPhalguna
PakshaKrishna Paksha
TithiPratipada upto 08:21 PM
YogaShobhana upto 07:31 AM
KaranaBalava upto 07:48 AM
KaranaKaulava upto 08:21 PM
Rahu Kalam01:59 PM to 03:23 PM
Gulikai Kalam09:48 AM to 11:12 AM
Yamaganda07:01 AM to 08:25 AM
Abhijit12:13 PM to 12:58 PM
Dur Muhurtam10:44 AM to 11:29 AM
Dur Muhurtam03:12 PM to 03:56 PM
Amrit Kalam06:34 PM to 08:16 PM
Varjyam08:21 AM to 10:03 AM
Varjyam05:48 AM, Feb 14 to 07:32 AM, Feb 14
Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
In Hindu Calendar, the day starts with local sunrise and ends with next day local sunrise. As sunrise time is different for all cities, Hindu Calendar made for one city is not valid for any other city. Hence it is important to use location based Hindu Calendar, like this website. Further, each Hindu day consists of five elements, which are called angas. These five elements are -
In Hindu Calendar, all five elements together are called Panchang. (In Sanskrit: Panchang = Pancha (five) + Ang (part)). Hence Hindu Calendar which shows all five elements for each day is called Panchang. In South India Panchang is known as Panchangam.
When Hindu Calendar includes Muslims, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist and Jain festivals, including national holidays, it is called as Indian Calendar.