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2224 Indian Seasons, Indian Ritus date and time for Fairfield, Connecticut, United States


2224 Six Indian Ritus

Change Year

Most countries observe 4 seasons in a year. However India observes 6 seasons in a year. The classification of seasons into six parts is quite ancient and even observed during Vedic period. Hindu Calendar and Panchangam are based on six seasons in a year.

Vasant Ritu (Indian Spring)

Spring - Vasant
Vasant Ritu Begins - February 19, 2224, Thursday at 11:48
Vasant Ritu Ends - April 19, 2224, Monday at 19:56
Tropical Zodiac - Meena (Pisces) & Mesha (Aries)
Vernal Equinox occurs at the middle of Vasant Ritu

Grishma Ritu (Indian Summer)

Summer - Grishma
Grishma Ritu Begins - April 19, 2224, Monday at 19:56
Grishma Ritu Ends - June 20, 2224, Sunday at 24:35+
Tropical Zodiac - Vrishabha (Taurus) & Mithuna (Gemini)
Grishma Ritu ends with Summer Solstice

Varsha Ritu (Indian Monsoon)

Monsoon - Grishma
Varsha Ritu Begins - June 20, 2224, Sunday at 24:35+
Varsha Ritu Ends - August 22, 2224, Sunday at 19:10
Tropical Zodiac - Karka (Cancer) & Simha (Leo)
Varsha Ritu starts with Summer Solstice

Sharad Ritu (Indian Autumn)

Autumn - Sharad
Sharad Ritu Begins - August 22, 2224, Sunday at 19:10
Sharad Ritu Ends - October 22, 2224, Friday at 29:06+
Tropical Zodiac - Kanya (Virgo) & Tula (Libra)
Autumnal Equinox occurs at the middle of Sharad Ritu

Hemant Ritu (Indian Prewinter)

Prewinter - Hemant
Hemant Ritu Begins - October 22, 2224, Friday at 29:06+
Hemant Ritu Ends - December 21, 2224, Tuesday at 17:20
Tropical Zodiac - Vrishchika (Scorpio) & Dhanu (Sagittarius)
Hemant Ritu ends with Winter Solstice

Shishir Ritu (Indian Winter)

Winter - Shishir
Shishir Ritu Begins - December 21, 2224, Tuesday at 17:20
Shishir Ritu Ends - February 18, 2225, Friday at 17:39
Tropical Zodiac - Makara (Capricorn) & Kumbha (Aquarius)
Shishir Ritu starts with Winter Solstice

Notes: All timings are represented in 24+ hour notation in local time of Fairfield, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours past midnight are higher than 24:00 and fall on next day. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

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