Various types of auspicious and inauspicious Yogas are described in Hindu Panchang and Vedic astrology. Maitreya Yoga is an extremely auspicious Yoga. This Yoga is considered highly favorable for paying off debt. Maitreya Yoga is also called Maitreya Muhurat. Maitreya Muhurat is created by the special combination of Vara (Weekday), Nakshatra and Lagna.
For many people, paying off debt becomes difficult and they have to face various obstacles in repaying it. But Maitreya Yoga proves to be helpful for a person to get free from the bondage of debt.
Maitreya Muhurat is considered to be the most auspicious time for paying off debt. It is believed, if a small part of the loan amount is paid in this Yoga, then the remaining loan burden also gets reduced very soon.
Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
Maitreya Muhurat is created when the Nakshatra, Lagna and Day are combined with the following combination.
The loan can also be repaid on Pradosha day falling on Tuesday and Saturday. Paying off the loan in the Hora of Mangala during the afternoon on Tuesday is also considered favorable. However, any kind of loan transaction should be avoided during the eclipse.