Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
Read this article to know at what time Jupiter is transiting in which Nakshatra during the whole year. The transit of Jupiter in different Nakshatras has significant effects on most of the people irrespective of their zodiac signs, due to which the Guru Nakshatra Gochar is considered very important.
With the help of Guru Nakshatra Pada Gochar, it can be known that at what time of the year, Jupiter is transiting in which Pada of which Nakshatra. In this article, the days of Guru Nakshatra Pada Gochar are listed for all the months of the year.
Due to coming very close to the Surya, planets become invisible in the sky for a few days in a year. These days are called Asta, Lope, Moudhya and Moudyami. Most auspicious works like marriage etc. are prohibited during the combustion of Brihaspati.
The day and time of Jupiter becoming retrograde and the day and time of Jupiter becoming progressive are given. Jupiter gradually reduces its speed before becoming retrograde. The time when Jupiter's speed starts to slow down is called the retrograde zone.
Location based Sidereal Planetary Positions are given on this page. Sidereal Planetary Positions of each planet like Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budha, Brihaspati are described. Sidereal Planetary Positions are also known as Nirayana Planetary Positions.
Location based Tropical Planetary Positions are given on this page. Tropical Planetary Positions of each planet like Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budha, Brihaspati are described. Tropical Planetary Positions are also known as Sayanha Planetary Positions.