We all can remember some scene from Bollywood movies or Indian soap operas in which Panditji says "there is no auspicious Muhurta for next 4 month to get married". On listening it we all take a deep breath and first thought which comes to our mind is "Panditji...not again!"
We at Drik Panchang see it as "shooting the messenger" and have sympathy with Panditji for taking blame from centuries. After years of hard work on Election Astrology we know it is not easy to find a suitable Muhurta and suitable Muhurta is not always available. One must wait for auspicious Muhurta to come instead let Panditji build auspicious Muhurta for us. In old days people were patient and used to give Panditji a year time window to find a suitable Muhurta.
We have worked on Vivaha Muhurta and made them very elaborative and self-explanatory so that anyone with basic (rudimentary) knowledge of Panchang can choose the appropriate Muhurta without any assistance from Panditji.
Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
All time intervals are categorized into three
First, we need to find a time interval where Panchang Shuddhi is available. Panchang Shuddhi apart from five basic Panchang elements, considers numerous other Dosha to purifying the election based on Panchang Shuddhi.
Drik Panchang has divided each time interval into 3 categories.
In most Paper Panchang, Lattadi lines are published along with each Vivaha Muhurta. There are 10 Lattadi lines and ideally all should be straight. However, it is very difficult to get all 10 Lattadi lines as well as other combinations right. Hence, one should consider an interval where maximum Lattadi lines out of 10 are available i.e., are straight. Any interval having Lattadi number five or less than 5 should be discarded. Also, Lattadi lines with Kranti Samya Dosha should always be discarded even we have 9 Lattadi lines out of 10. Single Kranti Samya Dosha in Lattadi group can malign the whole Muhurta and there is no remedy available for Kranti Samya Dosha. Kranti Samya Dosha is equivalent of getting married while Eclipse is going on.
Drik Panchang helps by making Lattadi lines crossed with red background when either available Lattadi lines are 5 and less or Kranti Samya Dosha is present in Lattadi lines.
Lagna Shuddhi is the most important and it takes lots of effort to find suitable Lagna for Vivaha. We have listed almost all Lagna Dosha which should be considered for Vivaha Muhurta. One must use his own judgement to find suitable Lagna.
Each Lagna Dosha has been explained with tooltip. Strength of First and Seventh house should be on priority i.e., Lagna and Seventh house should be Dosha free. One must also make sure that maximum Graha are Rekhaprada and Vimshopaka Bala is around 10 and in no case less than 5.
Last but not the least, we have listed some Yoga which makes Lagna fortified and neutralize many Lagna Dosha. Such Lagna intervals are marked with flower symbols i.e. 🌸
Others Dosha lists those Dosha which are considered less important but given for consideration. For example, Rahu Kala is given in others Dosha as one must not discard auspicious Muhurta with fortified Lagna just because of Rahu Kala. Kulika, Ardha Yama, Sayana Udita Nakshatra, Dasha Dosha are some other Dosha which are listed under others Dosha.
We have marked Go Dhuli intervals each day. Go Dhuli Muhurta should be used with caution when no other suitable Muhurta is available for the day. Go Dhuli doesn't neutralize all Dosha. Go Dhuli intervals are marked with sunset icon i.e. ⛅
Navamsha Shuddhi makes Lagna Muhurta perfect. In other words, Navamsha Shuddha Lagna Muhurta is queen of all Muhurta. No paper Panchang does Navamsha Shuddhi for Lagna Muhurta. In fact, Muhurta Chintamani stresses on Navamsha Shuddhi instead of Lagna Shuddhi in chapter of Vivaha Prakarana.
Navamsha Shuddhi makes Muhurta interval pretty short as Lagna is split into 9 Navamsha. When Navamsha Shuddhi is performed the average duration of each Muhurta becomes 10-12 minutes. One must make sure that main ritual of Vivaha is performed during this short time window only.
Each Vivaha Muhurta should be personalized for Vara and Kanya both. Given Muhurta can be personalized by providing birth details for Vara and Kanya.
Both, Vara and Kanya should have at least one either Chandrabalam or Tarabalam strong during Vivaha Muhurta. Tri Bala Shuddhi should be available for both. Ashtama Lagna from birth Lagna and Rashi should be discarded.