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2024 Shravana Putrada Ekadashi fasting date for New Delhi, NCT, India


2024 Shravana Putrada Ekadashi Vrat

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New Delhi, India
Shravana Putrada Ekadashi Vrat
August 2024
Friday / शुक्रवार
Shravana Putrada Ekadashi
Lord Vishnu Chaturmasa

Shravana Putrada Ekadashi Parana

Shravana Putrada Ekadashi on Friday, August 16, 2024
On 17th Aug, Parana Time - 05:51 AM to 08:05 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment - 08:05 AM
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 10:26 AM on Aug 15, 2024
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 09:39 AM on Aug 16, 2024

Ekadashi Fasting Food

Devotees can decide the type of Ekadashi fasting during Sankalp according to their will power and physical strength. In religious texts four types of Ekadashi fasting has been mentioned.

1. Jalahar (जलाहर) i.e. Ekadashi fasting with only water. Most devotees observer this fasting during Nirjala Ekadashi. However devotees can observe it on all Ekadashi fasting.

2. Ksheerbhoji (क्षीरभोजी) i.e. Ekadashi fasting on Ksheer. Ksheer refers to milk and milky juice of plants. But in Ekadashi context it should be all products made of milk.

3. Phalahari (फलाहारी) i.e. Ekadashi fasting on fruits only. One should consume only high class of fruits like mango, grapes, banana, almond, and pistachios etc. and should not eat leafy vegetables.

4. Naktabhoji (नक्तभोजी) i.e. having single meal in a day just before sunset. Single meal should not have any variety of grains and cereals including beans, wheat, rice and pulses which are forbidden during Ekadashi fasting.

Staple diet for Naktabhoji during Ekadashi fasting includes Sabudana, Singhada (Water caltrop and also known as Chestnut), Shakarkandi, Potatoes and Groundnuts.

For many Kuttu Atta (BuckWheat Flour) and Samak (Millet Rice) is also staple diet during single Ekadashi meal. However validity of both items as Ekadashi food is debatable as those are considered semi-grains or pseudo grains. It is better to avoid these items during fasting.

Ekadashi Fasting FAQ

Since years we get queries related to Ekadashi fasting across the globe. Although, for someone born in religious Hindu family, such queries might look basic but there are Lord Vishnu devotees who get confused with basic Ekadashi timings given on Drik Panchang to observe Ekadashi Vrat.

1. What is meant by Ekadashi Tithi Begins and Ekadashi Tithi Ends?

These are Tithi timings given in Panchang (just similar to weekdays Sunday, Monday, etc. which begins at midnight and ends at next midnight) and help to decide the correct date to observe Ekadashi fasting. As Ekadashi Tithi might begin at any time of the day and mostly split over two days, on the basis of these timings one day is preferred over the other to observe fasting. Once you have fasting date you don't need them and we list them just for information. These timings are not needed to observe fasting.

2. Should I begin fast when Ekadashi Tithi Begins?

No. As we mentioned above Tithi begin time is not needed for Ekadashi fasting. Ekadashi fasting always begins with Sunrise and mostly ends after next day Sunrise. Ekadashi is usually 24 hours fasting observed form local Sunrise to next Sunrise.

Having said that, it is also important to mention that devotees skip dinner made of all sorts of grains on previous night to avoid any residual food/grain in stomach when they begin fasting with Sunrise. In other words some devotees begin Ekadashi fast with sunset on previous day as per their devotion to Lord Vishnu.

3. Sometimes you list two consecutive dates for Ekadashi. What does it mean?

When we list two dates for Ekadashi, to keep it simple, you take the first date and observe the fast for single day. First date is preferred over the second date when you decide to keep the fast for single day only. It is quite normal to have single day fasting even it is listed for two consecutive dates. If one has stamina, one can keep the fast for two days.

4. What is Parana time?

You begin the fast with local Sunrise which continues to next Sunrise. However fast is not always broken with next Sunrise. To get the full credit of fasting, Ekadashi fast is broken at an appropriate time after next day Sunrise which might prolong the fasting up to afternoon and beyond. Hence one can notice that for few fasting Parana time (i.e. time to break the fast) on next day is during lunch time.

5. What is Hari Vasara End moment?

Hari Vasara time is prohibited to break Ekadashi fast. If one cannot continue fasting till noon or in case of urgency one can break the fast, after Hari Vasara ends. However more appropriate time is after few hours of Hari Vasara end time.

6. What to do if Ekadashi fast is broken?

In Hindu religious texts, Ekadashi fast has been described as the most sacred and fruitful fast. The fast of Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. If for some reason the fast is broken, then one should seek forgiveness while worshiping Him. Atone for your mistake and resolve not to repeat that mistake in future. The following deeds can be done for atonement.

Following solutions can be taken if Ekadashi fast is broken -

  • First, take a bath again in clothes.
  • Do Abhisheka of Lord Vishnu with Panchamrita mixed with milk, curd, honey and sugar.
  • Do Shodashopachara Puja of Lord Vishnu.
  • While apologizing to the Lord, chant the following Mantra -

मन्त्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं जनार्दन।
यत्पूजितं मया देव परिपूर्ण तदस्तु मे॥
ॐ श्री विष्णवे नमः। क्षमा याचनाम् समर्पयामि॥

Mantrahinam Kriyahinam Bhaktihinam Janardana।
Yatpujitam Maya Deva Paripurna Tadastu Me॥
Om Shri Vishnave Namah| Kshama Yachanam Samarpayami॥

  • Offer feast to cows, Brahmins and girls.
  • After breaking the fast, chant Lord Vishnu's Dvadshakshara Mantra Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya with a Tulasi Mala as per your capacity. Make sure to chant at least 11 Mala. After this you can also perform Homa with one Mala i.e. offering Ahuti 108 times.
  • Recite the hymns of Lord Vishnu devotionally.
  • Donate yellow clothes, fruits, sweets, religious scriptures, gram pulses, turmeric, saffron etc. to the priest in the temple of Lord Vishnu.
  • If you miss the fast of Ekadashi by mistake, then you can repent and take the resolution of Nirjala Ekadashi, which is instructed to be kept Nirjala i.e. without water and food.

Fasting and worship etc. are completely a matter of reverence and devotion. Therefore, even if you commit any mistake during the fast due to ignorance, have full faith in your deity and apologize to him. There is no need to be afraid but do not behave arbitrarily during the fast under laziness and carelessness. Lord Shri Hari Vishnu is completely aware of the feelings of all living beings and provides results accordingly.

Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

2024 Shravana Putrada Ekadashi

Putrada Ekadashi is observed two times in a year. Ekadashi during Paush Shukla Paksha and Ekadashi during Shravan Shukla Paksha are known as Putrada Ekadashi.

Paush Shukla Paksha Ekadashi currently falls in month of December or January while Shravan Shukla Paksha Ekadashi currently falls in month of July or August in English calendar. Putrada Ekadashi during Paush month is more popular in North Indian states while people in other states give more importance to Putrada Ekadashi during Shravana month.

Benefits - Hinduism gives utmost importance to rituals performed at the time of the birth and the death. Hinduism prescribes certain rituals at the time of the death which should be performed by the son only. It is believed that funeral rites should be done by the son and it is must for the liberation of the soul. The son also performs duty of performing regular Shraddha to please the soul of the dead person either on the Earth or in the Heaven.

Not conceiving a boy child becomes a misery for couples who believe in the "life after death" concept of Hinduism. It is advised that couples who wish to conceive a boy child should observe Putrada Ekadashi fasting.

Shravan Shukla Paksha Ekadashi is also known as Pavitropana Ekadashi or Pavitra Ekadashi especially among Vaishnava community.

Parana means breaking the fast. Ekadashi Parana is done after sunrise on next day of Ekadashi fast. It is necessary to do Parana within Dwadashi Tithi unless Dwadashi is over before sunrise. Not doing Parana within Dwadashi is similar to an offence.

Parana should not be done during Hari Vasara. One should wait for Hari Vasara to get over before breaking the fast. Hari Vasara is first one fourth duration of Dwadashi Tithi. The most preferred time to break the fast is Pratahkal. One should avoid breaking the fast during Madhyahna. If due to some reasons one is not able to break the fast during Pratahkal then one should do it after Madhyahna.

At times Ekadashi fasting is suggested on two consecutive days. It is advised that Smartha with family should observe fasting on first day only. The alternate Ekadashi fasting, which is the second one, is suggested for Sanyasis, widows and for those who want Moksha. When alternate Ekadashi fasting is suggested for Smartha it coincides with Vaishnava Ekadashi fasting day.

Ekadashi fasting on both days is suggested for staunch devotees who seek for love and affection of Lord Vishnu.

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